生活方式的改变 for 心脏衰竭


Small changes can make a big difference

Following recommendations about eating patterns, exercise and other habits can help alleviate heart failure symptoms, slow your disease’s progression and improve your everyday life. Making some of these lifestyle changes can be easier said than done. 但是把这些改变融入到你的日常生活中,你的生活质量就会发生真正的变化. 事实上,患有轻度到中度心力衰竭的人通常可以过上几乎正常的生活.

Important lifestyle changes will likely include:


体重的突然增加或减少可能是你正在发展心力衰竭或心力衰竭正在恶化的迹象. 即使你感觉很好, 你的医疗保健专业人员需要了解你的体重变化,以便在需要时调整你的药物. This may help you avoid hospitalization for worsening heart failure. Ask your health care professional or nurse how much fluid to drink every day.

每天早上同一沙巴足球体育平台称体重,最好是在早餐前和小便后. 总是穿同样的衣服(尽量不穿鞋称体重),在同样的地方使用同样的秤. This will help you to see actual changes in weight from day to day. 写下你的体重,并确保每次去看医生时都随身携带一份.

如果你连续几天在一天内增加两到三磅,请通知你的医疗保健专业人员, 一周体重超过五磅或者你的医疗团队告诉你的体重.  

了解更多关于 maintaining a healthy weight.


烟草中的尼古丁会在短沙巴足球体育平台内增加心率和血压. 一氧化碳也会进入血液,剥夺你的心脏和大脑所需的氧气. 吸烟会降低你对体力活动的耐受性,增加血液凝结的倾向. It also decreases HDL (good) 胆固醇.

了解更多关于 戒烟.


Regular, moderate-intensity physical activity can help your heart get stronger. Physical activity is anything that makes you move your body and burns calories, 比如走路, 收集树叶, climbing stairs or playing sports. It becomes regular when you do an activity consistently. 你能做多少运动和什么样的运动取决于你的心脏健康水平. 您的心脏康复团队可以帮助您设计适合您的体育活动计划.

如果你不经常运动的话, talk to your health care professional about starting an exercise regimen. 把体育活动安排在每天的同一沙巴足球体育平台,这样它就会成为你生活方式的一部分. 如果适度的运动对你来说是不可能的,考虑参加一个有组织的运动 康复计划.


It’s important to schedule time every day for rest and relaxation. 休息沙巴足球体育平台是必不可少的,因为这样可以让心脏更容易地跳动. 白天休息可以帮助你避免过度劳累,缓解因夜间睡眠中断而产生的疲劳感.

You might try napping after lunch, 每隔几个小时把脚抬起来几分钟,或者在做家务时坐下来,比如准备食物或熨烫衣服.

To improve your sleep at night, use pillows to prop up your head. Avoid naps and big meals, caffeine, and alcohol right before bedtime. 和你的医疗团队谈谈,看看你是否可以定时使用利尿剂,这样你就不太可能醒来小便了. This may mean taking diuretics in the morning.

了解 睡眠呼吸暂停和心脏病.


你可能会对你的诊断和可能发生在你和你的家人身上的事情感到焦虑或紧张. 每个人都有一定的压力诱因——那些会让你心跳加速、呼吸困难的事情. It’s important to work to manage stress and anxiety. They make the heart work harder, which can make symptoms worse.

不要吸烟, 喝, overeating or drugs to cope with stress, as these habits can make your condition worse. 相反,试着这样做:

  • 每天花15到20分钟安静地坐着,深呼吸,想象一个宁静的场景.
  • Trying a class in yoga or meditation. (在参加高强度的瑜伽课之前,先咨询一下你的健康护理专家.)
  • Counting to 10 before answering or responding when you feel angry.
  • 加入一个 支持网络.

了解更多关于 管理压力.


Tracking your daily fluid intake

如果你有心力衰竭, it’s common for your body to retain fluid. So your health care team might recommend limiting your liquid intake.




If you drink alcohol, do so in moderation. 这意味着男性每天不超过一到两杯,女性每天不超过一杯. 和你的健康护理专家谈谈你是否可以喝酒.

了解更多关于 酒精和心脏病.


吃一个全面健康的饮食模式,强调各种水果和蔬菜, 全谷物, 低脂乳制品, 去皮的家禽和鱼, 坚果和豆类, 非热带植物油. 也, 限制饱和脂肪, 反式脂肪, 胆固醇, 钠, 红肉, sweets and sugar-sweetened beverages.


Monitoring blood pressure at home, in addition to regular monitoring in a health care professional's office, 可以帮助控制 高血压.

Chart your blood pressure readings 随着沙巴足球体育平台的推移. This can reveal trends and help to eliminate false readings.

Find out more about how healthy eating can lower your blood pressure with the DASH饮食计划.

Avoiding 流感和肺炎 with vaccinations

与健康人相比,流感和肺炎对心力衰竭患者的危害更大. Pneumonia is a lung infection that you can develop if you get the flu. It keeps your body from using oxygen as well as it should. Your heart has to work harder to pump oxygenated blood through the body.

向你的医疗团队咨询,每年接种一次流感疫苗和一次性肺炎球菌疫苗,以预防最常见的细菌性肺炎. Both vaccines are generally safe and seldom cause any severe reactions. It’s much riskier not to have the vaccines.


  • Avoid anyone who has a cold or the flu as much as possible.
  • 在流感高发期(通常是10月到3月)远离人群。.
  • 勤洗手, especially after using the bathroom and before eating, and ask that your caregivers do the same.
  • Keep your hands away from your face.

阅读更多关于 流感和肺炎.


People with cardiovascular risk factors or heart disease, along with heart attack and stroke survivors, 通常应该接种COVID-19疫苗,因为他们感染病毒的风险要比接种疫苗的风险大得多, 美国心脏协会 experts say. 美国心脏协会敦促有疾病的人与他们的医疗团队讨论疫苗接种问题. 了解更多关于 COVID-19疫苗接种.

Following heart patient guidelines for sexual activity

许多人在诊断出心力衰竭后都担心恢复性关系. 试着不要在和你的医生或你的医疗团队的其他成员谈论这个问题时感到尴尬.

如果你有心力衰竭, 能否做爱取决于你的症状和心力衰竭的严重程度. People with mild heart failure can usually safely have sex. If you have more severe heart failure symptoms, sex should be avoided until your condition is stable and well managed. 你的健康护理专家会告诉你什么时候恢复性行为是安全的. 有些心力衰竭患者可能无法性交,但可以从事其他活动.

You should have open and honest talks with your partner about sex. Good communication may lead to resuming sex earlier and enjoying it more.

了解更多关于 性与心脏病.


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